Help! I just got my device, charged it all up and it won't work!

Technical Support and Questions

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Apr 2017

Hey guys! We have gotten a few emails and done some of our own in-house testing and have become aware of an issue involving the instruments power level and its ability to take a measurement! If you just got the instrument and charged it just like we told you, chances are you having some issues. Basically what we have learned is that when the device is fully charged (between 95%-100%), there is a lose in communication over USB when trying to take a measurement.

For now, our solution is to tell you to leave the device out for just about an hour, or maybe take some measurements (15-20) over Bluetooth so that you can drain the devices battery level just a bit. Fear not, there will be a more permanent solution in the future, we just need to fix some things in the firmware first, then it should be good to go, even when fully charged.

-Sean at PhotosynQ

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Dan TerAvest

Apr 2017

Thanks Sean,

Just to clarify the issue a little. There is NO problem fully charging your MultispeQ and then connecting it via bluetooth to either the PhotosynQ desktop app or mobile app. The problem only occurs on a fully charged instrument that is connected to the desktop app over usb. As Sean says, if you turn on the device and let the battery drain down a little it will work good (though you may need to press and hold the power button for 5 seconds to get the instrument to connect to the PhotosynQ app).

Another solution (at least until we get a firmware fix pushed) is to cut power line on a usb cable so that the cable is only sending data.

Cheers, Dan

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Matthew Daniel

Apr 2017

Sean, I Tried that, still doesn't work for me either. Also I suspect it is due to the firmware work, but I have been getting a community group going down here and I keep getting calls that there is an Error 500 stopping people getting signed up to PSQ

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Matthew Daniel

Apr 2017

Sean , can I get this clear. I press measure then clip the leaf and the device will start after the leaf is secure?

How long is the standard measure photosynthesis for 1.0? how many seconds my devices seem to take all different amount of times to make red flashy colours?

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Matthew Daniel

Apr 2017

I have tried everything. I have a half charged device and still when the measurement taken it just goes back to the questions page. No screen to say save result?

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Dan TerAvest

Apr 2017

Matthew, Can you please be clear about what the problem is? You said that the protocol does start running (you are seeing lights flashing), but then you do not get any results? Are you using a mobile phone? Or a laptop with a usb cable? Also, which protocol are you running? The new MultispeQ's are not compatible with the protocols that we were used for the beta devices. Make sure that the protocol you are running is compatible with the MultispeQ v1.0.

Also, you say that people are trying to sign up to the website and are getting errors? At what step are they getting errors? Is it when they are trying to confirm their PhotosynQ account by responding to the email from PhotosynQ?

The more specific details you can provide, the easier it is to diagnose and address your problems.

Thanks, Dan