Choosing the right measurement protocol when upgrading from Beta to V1.0 MultispeQ.

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May 2017

Hope everyone is getting their new MultispeQ V1.0 in the mail and enjoying taking a few practice measurements before taking it into the field this summer! Wanted to take this time to remind everyone that when making projects and choosing protocols, especially if it is your first time, it is very important to pick the correct protocol, based on which device you have. If you have a brand new white MultispeQ next to you, you CANNOT use protocols marked beta. If and only if you are still using a beta, then use protocols with beta in the name. Beta protocols will NOT work properly on the new MultispeQ V1.0, different lights might flash, certain commands won’t be understood and chaos will ensue.

For old projects that use beta protocols that you wish to continue collecting data for using the MultispeQ V1.0, you have 2 options. You can, 1). Edit the project and change the protocol from a beta protocol to the v1.0 protocol or 2.) You can create a new project with a new protocol that your device can support, adding the same questions and starting fresh. You can even download your beta data now and combine it with your V1.0 data later outside of PhotosynQ, so that it is not lost or measured in vain.

For the majority of people making projects or reading this, the protocol that is suggested under plants called “Leaf Photosynthesis MultispeQ V1.0” is the protocol you want. You can look through other protocols by clicking on “advanced”, but be careful not all these will work on v1.0, or be measuring what you want.

TL;DR: Beta MultispeQ protocols will not work on V1.0 MultispeQ, double check you are running the correct one based on what device you have.

If you have more questions about what protocols are check out our step by step tutorial here:

If you are interested in moving past the standard protocol we suggest, start by reading our wiki here: Make sure to read it thoroughly, twice! Here you can learn about all the expressions and measurement commands that go into making a protocol.

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    May 2017

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