Photosynq2.0 auto-shutdown not working

Technical Support and Questions

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Aug 2018

Hi, I've just received the PhotoSynq2.0 and it seems that it won't shut down. I noticed there was a forum post from a few years ago about a similar problem but I can't see any settings either in the chrome App or in the mobile app in order to reset the autoshutdown. Any advice? Thanks in advance Mandy

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    Aug 2018

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    Aug 2018

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Colleen Rocha

Aug 2018

I just received this information today which should help resolve this issue: There are three ways (soon to be four) that it will turn off: 1.It will turn off after a certain time, set by the shutdown_time setting (number of seconds between last activity and shut down). Note that this depends on whether you have the device connected to power through the USB, in which case the shutdown will be ignored if the “usb_on” setting is on. 2.If the blink_mode is set to allow clamp shutdown, then holding the clamp open for three sets of blinks will shut the device down. 3.Entering “sleep” in the console will immediately shut it down. 4.The new Android App will have a sleep button that will do the same.

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Aug 2018

Thanks for that. The only one that is working at the moment is typing "sleep" in the console, but we have a way to switch it off so that's fine. It sounds like the new android app will also make that easier when we're outside. I look forward to the upgrade!